Sunday, July 24, 2016

Jul 2016

Dividends received:
1Jul- KO - $1.61 ($1.13 received and Drips)
11Jul - MO - $1.61 ($1.13 received and Drips)

Options Selling :
Sell 1 ADM Aug16 44 PUT - $0.85 X 100 shares = $85
Sell 1 JNJ Aug16 124 CALL - $2.00 x 100 shares = $200
Sell 1 KO Aug16 45 PUT - $0.50 x 100 shares = $50
Sell 2 WBA Aug16 85.5 PUT - $0.70 x 200 Shares = $140
Sell 1 XOM Aug16 95 CALL - $1.14 x 100 Shares = $114

Total Option Income for Jul is $589.

Name dividend yield shares dividends
ADM $1.20 100 $120.00
CL $1.56 1.61 $2.51
JNJ $3.20 100 $320.00
KO $1.40 104.62 $146.47
MO $2.26 2.87 $6.49
PG $2.68 2.99 $8.01
VALE $0.19 816.69 $155.17
WBA $1.50 200.94 $301.41
XOM $3.00 103.21 $309.63
Annual Dividends $1,369.69

This works out to be $1369.69 annual dividends which is 2.17% yield of capital outlay ($63000).

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