Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Had decided not to sell weekly options because the premium may not cover the comm fee in the long run. so decided to sell on monthly again..

Sell MO Sep14 42 Put = $0.63x 200 shares = $126
Sell KO Sep14 42 Call= $0.20 x 400shares = $80
Sell ARO Sep14 3.5Call=$0.16 x 1000shares=$160

Total Income collected for Aug14 is $366

Current holding is 15 ARO, 4 KO, 2 VALE. 2 ESI

Monday, August 11, 2014

AugWk3 2014

Sell MO Aug14 42CALL = $0.28 x 200 shares = $56
Income collected for AugWk314 dated is $56.

Current holding is 15 ARO, 4 KO, 1 VALE, 2 ESI, 2 MO

I had found out that when stocks are being assigned, theres a comm fee of $9.90, so minimum for the premium must be more than $0.10 for it to be a profit. The good part about weekly is that chances of getting assigned is higher and if you get assigned and sell call at next higher strike price, its is more worth it..