Tuesday, March 25, 2014


sell KO Apr14 38 put = $0.41 x 500 shares = $205
sell ESI Apr14 30 call = $0.92 x 200 shares = $184
sell MO Apr14 38 call = $0.18 x 100 shares = $18

new funds were added in so i have decide to sell options on KO. was reading news that ESI might get de-listed, instead of keep holding on to the stocks which it seems to take forever to recover, rather than keeping it,i decided to sell call option to make some income. if it get triggered, then i shall take it as a loss.
Another stock would be ARO. have 500 shares on it and was thinking of what to do..

Lesson learnt until now is to only invest in defensive stock as defensive stock will recover for sure since its consumer based product.

29mar/2350hrs-After much thinking, having lose out on previous 2 years due to ESI and ARO, I decide to invest on KO and MO as their returns on option is higher than 1% monthly. if I were to diversify to other stocks like JNJ PG CL, the annual returns is lower than 8%. for KO and MO, their annual returns would generate more than 10%.
The initial plan of 2% monthly doesn't goes well as plan as I have no confident in holding long term should the price fall 50% like ESI and ARO. it brought me to enlightenment that we must only buy stocks that we are willing to hold forever and ALSO STOCKS THAT PAYS DIVIDENDS.

Total for the month on Mar14 income collected thru options is $407.

currently stocks holding are ARO,ESI,KO,MO,VALE