Thursday, June 27, 2019

Jun 2019

Sell 1 Call HRL Jul19 $42 at $0.76 is $76
Total Premium collected for Jun is $76.

WBA Jul19 option was sold in May thus no options selling for Jun19.
MO price is low and unable to sell options for Jun19.

WBA paid dividend on 12Jun $44 - $13.20(30% taxed) is $30.80.

a reminder to myself is sell option to locked in premium with dividend instead of letting it taxed.

Total Accumulative Premium collected is $1111.

Total capital outlay: $14767.30
Current value in portfolio : $15268.44 27 Jun 2019

Projected Annual Dividend Income

WBA $176
MO $320
HRL $84

Total Projected Annual Dividend Income is $580.