Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Nov2013 income

sell WAG dec13 57.5 put = $0.73 x 100 shares = $73
sell MO dec13 38 call = $0.43 x 100 shares = $43

VALE paid dividends on 11nov2013 = $35.51

Total for the month on nov13 income collected thru options is $151.51.

currently stocks holding are ARO,ESI,KO,MO,VALE

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Posting of monthly options income online

Monthly income from my stocks thru options selling is lesser this month due to assigned stocks n price went down lower. So I've decided to post my monthly income from options as well as any dividend paid monthly to keep track of the income I'm receiving monthly. Current holding is ARO,ESI,KO,WAG,VALE. With ARO,ESI,VALE price is much lower from current market, I've not been able to generate any income from this 3 stocks. So only WAG and KO is providing the income. well, at least VALE is paying dividend whereas ARO and ESI is not a dividend paying stock. Because of this, I've decided to remove ARO and ESI once I reach breakeven point and focus on dividend paying stock. so that I can sleep soundly at night and I know even if stock price is down, it still pays me dividend.