Friday, June 24, 2016

Jun 2016

Dividends received:
10Jun- XOM- $76.96 ($53.88 received and Drips)
10Jun - WBA - $36.22 ($25.36 received and Drips)

Options Selling :

Sell 1 CL Jul16 71 PUT - $0.73 x 100 shares = $73
Sell 1 AWR Jul16 40 PUT - $0.45 x 100 shares = $45
Sell 2 KO Jul16 45 CALL - $0.82 x 200 shares = $164
Sell 1 PG Jul16 84.5 PUT - $0.95x 100 shares =  $95

Total Option Income for May is $377.

Name dividend yield shares dividends
AWR $0.90 100 $90.00
CL $1.56 101.61 $158.51
KO $1.40 204.59 $286.43
MO $2.26 2.86 $6.46
PG $2.68 102.99 $276.01
VALE $0.18 816.69 $147.00
WBA $1.44 100.94 $145.35
XOM $3.00 103.21 $309.63
Annual Dividends $1,419.40

This works out to be $1419.40 annual dividends which is 2.25% yield of capital outlay ($63000).

Portfolio Value : $53087.40.(30Jun2016)
Total Capital Outlay: $63000.

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