Monday, April 18, 2016

Apr 2016

Dividends received:
1Apr- KO - $1.60 ($1.12 received and Drips)
11Apr - MO - $1.60 ($1.12 received and Drips)

Options Selling :
Sell 2 KO May16 45 PUT - $0.50 x 200 shares = $100
Sell 1 XLP May16 52 PUT - $0.41 x 100 shares = $41
Sell 1 CL May16 69.5 CALL - $1.02 x 100 shares = $102
Sell 1 PG May16 84.5 CALL - $0.58 X 100 shares = $58

Total Option Income for Apr is $301.

Name dividend yield shares dividends
CL 1.56 101.60 158.50
KO 1.40 204.59 286.43
MO 2.26 2.86 6.46
PG 2.65 102.40 271.36
VALE 0.10 816.69 81.67
WBA 1.44 100.62 144.89
XLP 1.25 100.00 125.00
XOM 2.92 102.62 299.65
Annual Dividends 1373.96

This works out to be $1373.96 annual dividends which is 2.18% yield of capital outlay ($63000).

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