Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Dividends Received:
10Dec- XOM - $73.95 ($51.77 received)
Thru Drips, it bought me 0.682 shares at $75.80.

11Dec- WBA - $36 ($25.20 received)
Thru Drips, it bought me 0.307 shares at $82.08.

12Dec- KO - $67.15 ($47.01 received)
Thru Drips, it bought me 1.097 shares at $42.84

Sell 2 KO 44 Jan16 Call-$0.37 x 200shares=$74
Sell 1 WBA 88.5 Jan16 Call-$1.62 x 100shares=$162

Total options Income for Dec15 is $236.

Annual Dividend Projection
VALE-$0.18 x 816.69shares = $147.004
KO-$1.32 x 204.57shares = $270.032
XOM-$2.92 x 101.98 shares = $297.781
MO-$2.26 x 2.82 shares = $6.373
CL-$1.52 x 101.20 shares = $153.824
PG-$2.65 x 101.82 shares = $269.823
WBA-$1.44 x 100.31 shares = $144.446
This works out to be $1289.283.4annual dividends which is 2.04% yield of capital outlay.